Scale, stature & elevation

  • Impact

    Measuring 3m x 5m, the size, elevation and location of our double-sided hanging Banner sites ensures campaigns take center stage in the eyeline of mall audiences from every direction.

  • Flexibility

    These sites can be used in either portrait or landscape to suit any creative. With two double-sided Banners per location, the Banner portfolio offers four different faces for creatives in each mall.

  • Creative Scope

    The atrium spaces offered in our Banner portfolio provides the ideal platform for standout creative executions - be it 3D special builds, box banners, branding extensions or bespoke solutions.

Banners by the numbers

Our Banners offers significant visibility, generating 30 million impacts across 20 strategically placed sites in 10 top UK mall locations. Each double-sided banner measures an impressive 3 meters by 5 meters, with 100% Share of Voice (SOV).

30m impacts

The network delivers 30m All Adult impacts across 10 locations

3m x 5m

Each double-sided Banner measures 3m x 5m in size - either portrait or landscape

20 sites

The network comprises 20 double-sided sites across 10 UK mall locations

100% SOV

Owned 100% by a single advertiser for the duration of their booking

Creative Scope 

3D special builds

We can recreate and build 3D models that are showcased in our standout atrium spaces. Previous examples range from fragrance bottles, film characters and even a giant ‘Puggerfly’ for 3 Mobile.

Ceiling banner

Looking for something completely out of the ordinary? The ceiling Banner we installed at Bullring, Birmingham is the largest piece of advertising ever installed in a UK mall, measuring the same size as a doubles tennis court.


Expand your creative beyond the boundaries of the Banner frame by using 2D extensions. Seamlessly break out from the usual sites to create additional points of visual attraction.

Atrium banner

Our Atrium Banner stretches out between two floors of Bullring, Birmingham – one of the UK’s most prestigious retail destinations.  A truly unique activation, the Banner creates impact from both above and below.

Box banners

In certain centres, we can suspend box Banners that feature six total faces instead of our usual two. This is ideal for central atrium spaces where audiences move in multiple directions.


2D and 3D extensions can be attached to our regular hanging Banners, allowing for some truly creative executions. Previous examples include a 3D bow added to a gift or a kite cable hanging down underneath.